28 Foxhurst Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746



Tuition Information is located on FORMS PAGE

4-Year-Old Program

Mondays through Fridays

9:30-12:15 PM

We offer 5-day, 4-day,

and 3-day options for our 4s' students

Our 4s' program is geared towards preparing our students for the rigors of Kindergarten.  Lessons covering a wide range of topics, such as sight words, decoding, reading comprehension, math, science, art, social studies, music, and self-sufficiency are presented each day using a variety of materials and hands-on experiences to aid each child in their development of skills needed for success in their first year of Elementary school.  Fine and gross motor learning and playing opportunities are featured daily, guided by loving and caring teachers who encourage each child to succeed to the best of their abilities.  Field trips, Show and Tell, class parties and celebrations throughout the school year enrich our students' learning experiences.

Teacher:  Miss Schulz     


Mondays through Fridays

9:30-12:00 PM 

We offer 5-day, 4-day, 3-day,

and 2-day options for our youngest learners. 

Each day of class offers an assortment of hands-on learning experiences that provide opportunities for our 2s to develop their social, emotional, physical, and verbal skills.  Basic educational concepts are presented in a fun and loving atmosphere through art, music, and fine and gross motor activities. Class parties and celebrations throughout the school year and a trip to the Pumpkin Farm add to the exciting learning opportunities . 

​Teacher: Miss Joy

Assistant Teacher: Miss Taylor

3-Year-Old Program

Mondays through Fridays

9:30-12:15 PM

We offer 5-day, 4-day, 3-day,

and 2-day options for our 3s' students

Our 3s class provides an opportunity for our students to further expand their verbal, social, emotional, physical, and academic skills.  Basic academic concepts are presented on a daily basis using a variety of engaging, hands-on activities and in a loving and caring environment. Music, art, books, basic science and math concepts, as well as fine and gross motor experiences are all part of each class routine.  Friendships are formed and reinforced during Free Play time in the classroom, in our indoor Gym, and on our Playground.  Field trip outings, class parties and celebrations are offered at various times during the school year to enhance the students' learning.

Teacher:  Mrs. Elsener 

  Assistant Teacher:  Miss Keri